So today i saw a lot of videos saying inzectors are going to be really powerful and people were worried about them. How ever i don't think you people realize that even though they are very good they have outs to them. the big one i think of is a really well known card and i'm suprised it didn't come staight to others minds is stardust. its as it stops the hornet plays and it is a 2500 attacker and unless they have a beater bigger than it in the future then stardust is kinda impossible to get over in battle. not even a inzector equiped with giga-mantis can get over it.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
updated trap-stall deck
this is the updated deck of my trap-stall. its a little different and i'm still tweeking it. enjoy rate and post suggestions!
final countdown 3
magic planter 3
pot of duality 3
upstart goblin 1
cyber shadow cuardna 1
zoma the spirit 3
metal reflect slme 3
macro cosmos 2gravity bind 1
skill drain 1
imperial custom 3
dark bribes 3
fake trap 1
battle fader 3
gravekeepers spy 2
gravekeepers guard 1
legendary jujitsu master 1
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
So today i found a light support card in proton shockwave i haven't ssen before but i think its pretty good
my side deck
this is my side deck to my final stall deck
2 chain strike
2 just desserts
3 threatning roar
3 legacy of yata
3 jar of greed
2 mystical
2 chain strike
2 just desserts
3 threatning roar
3 legacy of yata
3 jar of greed
2 mystical
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
trapmonster countdown deck(still working on the name)
heres the deck i'm working on for my first regionals. i find it unique with final countdown and then trap monsters and imperial custom to stall the crap out of the opponents. heres the deck list please rate
1 spirit reaper
3 gravekeeper's spy
3 battle fader
1 cyber shadow guardna
3 zoma the spirit
3 metal reflect slime
3 imperial custom
3 dark bribes
2 skill drain
2 macro cosmos
2 safe zones
2 bottomless trap hole
1 fake trap
1 solemn judgement
3 magic planter
3 gold sarcophagus
2 final countdown
2 pot of the duality
1 spirit reaper
3 gravekeeper's spy
3 battle fader
1 cyber shadow guardna
3 zoma the spirit
3 metal reflect slime
3 imperial custom
3 dark bribes
2 skill drain
2 macro cosmos
2 safe zones
2 bottomless trap hole
1 fake trap
1 solemn judgement
3 magic planter
3 gold sarcophagus
2 final countdown
2 pot of the duality
Friday, December 16, 2011
dark world deck profile
i did my mvp's of when i played them randomly so i thought you would like to see the actual deck. its out of order iknow but its happening. minus the staple spells/traps heres my build.
Monday, December 12, 2011
decks of the future 3
so today i'm talking about the architypes gemnights and verz. Enjoy!(Mkol40 srry if pronouciation was wrong)
Sunday, December 11, 2011
decks of the future 2
so now i'm talking about Yylons and Lavals. both really good archtypes and very fun. enjoy!
decks of the future
So today i thought i would post a vid about to future architypes in duel terminals right now. ones being rcognized and the other one is not so much but who cares. They are gishiki and gusto
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Cyber shadow guardna
So anyway i'm making this uria deck and it is really fun. In conjuction to using it with imperial custom you can have a tiki curse and have a useless decision for you opponent, Ether way its a one for one. this is byfar in my most favorite cards though so enjoy.
So anyway i'm making this uria deck and it is really fun. In conjuction to using it with imperial custom you can have a tiki curse and have a useless decision for you opponent, Ether way its a one for one. this is byfar in my most favorite cards though so enjoy.
Monday, December 5, 2011
goblin of greed profile
heres a card i found against fabled. i would side deck it though.
heres a card i found against fabled. i would side deck it though.
send off of dark worlds
So to test out my new cam i will now do a send off of my darkworlds. this will just go over some of the MVPs i love. enjoy!(srry the audios off a little)
genex build
So anyway this is my genex deck i'm still tweeking. feel free to suggest stuff. once i get all the stuff i will post a video on it(just got a web cam) so here i go
3 birdman
2 summoner monk
3 r-genex magma
3 r-genex turbo
3 r-genex over seer
2 r-genex oracle
1 genex power planner
1 genex blastfan
1 r-genex ultinum
3 enemy controller
3 creature swaps
1 heavy storm
1 book of moon
1 allure of darkness
1 dark eruption
1 dark hole
1 monster reborn
2 call of the haunted
2 bottomless trap hole
1 mirror force
1 solemn judgment
comment on any changes you would want to see.
3 birdman
2 summoner monk
3 r-genex magma
3 r-genex turbo
3 r-genex over seer
2 r-genex oracle
1 genex power planner
1 genex blastfan
1 r-genex ultinum
3 enemy controller
3 creature swaps
1 heavy storm
1 book of moon
1 allure of darkness
1 dark eruption
1 dark hole
1 monster reborn
2 call of the haunted
2 bottomless trap hole
1 mirror force
1 solemn judgment
comment on any changes you would want to see.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
verz O' wisp
Verz O' wisp
So today i looked at the OCG news and saw all of the verz stuff and i must say i was impressed by this card. A big defender that makes the effects of the monsters it battles gone even when those things are sent to the grave. I think that great. I like it more than the time when someone used wattsquirel and negated the effects of two. The main purpose of this cared looks like a staller that is essencial a wattsquirel or effectvailer if it blocks attacks. this I think could be a good side deck or tech card for decks that have a problem with effect having the effect monsters running a enguine like flamvell(firedog), jurrac(guaiba), etc...
Maybe blackwings as shura is a main searcher but they have more outs. Synchros could also have a problem with this as lets say they have a ally of justice Catastor and they attack it. Not only is it not automaticly dead but it stops the effect of it blowing up other monsters. I just thought this card was pretty good and we should wait till the Verz comes to the TCG because it looks interesting.
Verz O' wisp
Maybe blackwings as shura is a main searcher but they have more outs. Synchros could also have a problem with this as lets say they have a ally of justice Catastor and they attack it. Not only is it not automaticly dead but it stops the effect of it blowing up other monsters. I just thought this card was pretty good and we should wait till the Verz comes to the TCG because it looks interesting.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Locals saturday and royal dark world side deck
So my locals are saturday and i'm running dark worlds again. suprisingly ene with all my hate torwards broken decks i can't put this one down. I'm going to be running a beat down variant with no tuners but revolve around ceruli and using the secondary effects of my cards and skill drain. i also had this idea. if gravekeepers are receeding back because of their card royal tribute and its effects on the dark world players hand why not side royal and necrovalley. valley doesn't interfere at all with the effects of grapha and such and it stops lucky top decking of monster reborn useless. IDK i just thought i could kill myself if i faced my self in mirror matches with this so i want to main deck it. leave a comment if you think this is stupid or not. Oh and last question. How many of you hate grapha?
so happy thanks giving.
Hi viewers. so I'm sure your wondering why not and exciting statement or whatever its just that it isn't that great of a thanks giving. so any way I'm going to rephase it for you guys. Happy Thanksgiving!
YCS Kansas city
S i'm sure you all know about Kansas city and honestly I'm disapointed. The third places favorite combo was a non working play. you can not have a earth tuner and a light non-tuner to make landoise. you mke him with a earth and earth materials. so what ever happened with the judges or the players who don't know to read opponents cards i don't really count it as a major competition
anyway happy thxgiving!
anyway happy thxgiving!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Dark worlds
Dark worlds! they made top 32! I am so exited! the only thing i don't like is the card choices they made(well some of them.) I like how they got in the top and one made it to top 16 but other than that i was depressed about who won, a chaos. a deck full of good cards and sorcerer and soldier (not impressed). But that was off topic so any way I am kinda sad and happy dark worlds made it and heres why...
I am sad they made it because well this means the people who gave up on it are nw going to be like going back and a lot of mirror matches are in store. It is a pain as a dark world player to be playing people getting their three structure decks back together thinking they'll win everything and troll when you have to deal with cards that have your boss decks face a lot of herp derp decks that are just thrown together. Then they get ethar a big head or get pissed and give up and talk junk about the deck. thats just the way the players work.
I am happy now because they are getting more recognized now. before after the giant hype people said they were great but then after the first YCS people said they were like dragunities(which are still good) and they weren'tas good as they say. Now people ae changing their minds again. I really hope they don't make teir one because then grapha's going to get his and NOONE wants that.
I am sad they made it because well this means the people who gave up on it are nw going to be like going back and a lot of mirror matches are in store. It is a pain as a dark world player to be playing people getting their three structure decks back together thinking they'll win everything and troll when you have to deal with cards that have your boss decks face a lot of herp derp decks that are just thrown together. Then they get ethar a big head or get pissed and give up and talk junk about the deck. thats just the way the players work.
I am happy now because they are getting more recognized now. before after the giant hype people said they were great but then after the first YCS people said they were like dragunities(which are still good) and they weren'tas good as they say. Now people ae changing their minds again. I really hope they don't make teir one because then grapha's going to get his and NOONE wants that.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Grapha, dragon lord of dark world
Resue Rabbit
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
X-sabers are getting more support?
Hey! so i have heard the news that the OCG is getting an XYZ'd for X-sabers and its pretty good.
The thing about this card is that it adds so much speed to the X-sabers and thats ultimately is what it its missing. The biggest thing is the effct of this card and its really good. I have heard people say its only a Earth beast-warrior or warrior so its not that good but if you think about it thats made specificaly for a X-saber deck because what else deck runs those things competetively besides them? I mean it's not that any deck can use that to the best beside a 1600 attack point monster.The main combo or correspondant monster is with foltrol is because you XYZ'd into him(thats up to the player as i have heard countless ways to do it) and go for a X-saber. then you special summon that monster you just detached and do your combo. either way its a powerful card and it could make X-Sabers a worthy force again. Hopefully this will come to the TCG as it usualy does and we can see X-Sabers hit the tiers again!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Dark Worlds Fate...
Ok viewers, today I want to talk about what I think of dark worlds. Are they flop or are they a archetype that was waiting for photon shockwave. Well I think this invloves two things, they need the right people to play them and they seem to be better when they are not as played. People are even comparing it to dragunities(which i'm not dissing just saying that it wasn't as good as expected) and i find that rediculous as dark worlds have better support and bigger boss mosters.
The first thing I said is that it needs was actual good players that didn't just clump three decks together and expect to win. About ten percent of YCS Ohio was actualy playing this deck and about the other 90% sided hell against them so they had no chance. I heard one player was 8-0 with his dark worlds but was DQ'd so their chance was kinda low. What a deck needs to be good is players to research and set up a really good deck and not just have the easy way out and putting the good cards together and try to win. The ONLY execption to this is the fairy structure deck as that was just broken but even then you still need need a archlord krystia to make it a winning deck.The last thing i would like to talk about is that the few players that are atill going to play this after this huge flop have less trouble as this deck seems to do better underused. If it is mass used the mirror matches constantly being used will kill the deck and you can only get lucky for so long. They (mass used) are also easily sided against and if massed used then you have every deck having cards that screw you game 2 and three. Being popular is just poision for this deck and as their name suggests they are best kept in the dark.
Ok viewers, today I want to talk about what I think of dark worlds. Are they flop or are they a archetype that was waiting for photon shockwave. Well I think this invloves two things, they need the right people to play them and they seem to be better when they are not as played. People are even comparing it to dragunities(which i'm not dissing just saying that it wasn't as good as expected) and i find that rediculous as dark worlds have better support and bigger boss mosters.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Darklord Zerato
Hey viewers!
Today I will be talking about another Darklord. This time it will be about the Darklord Zerato. This one I really like because after the darklord enguine monster superbia came out this card is really good. The main effect of discarding a dark monster to destroy all monsters your opponent controls is rediculous and it only draw back was it dies at the end of the turn. With suberbia out now you can do this over and over and over and it gives a ton of field advantage. Being able to get him with valhalla is really good too. You mostly ignore his first effect for you can get him out much easier and less costly. Over all I really like this card too and I hope you give it a good look. 4/5
Hey viewers!
Laval Lancelord
Hey views. sorry for the lack of posts. i've been to lazy for the last few weeks so i didn't post anything. Any way I was looking at the laval stuff i pulled for the sneek peek (photon shock wave) and i noticed this big guy which is actualy pretty amazing in my flamvell jurrac deck. I have many uses for him ever since i started to play him and hes worth the commmon print hes on. One you can normal summon him with out tributes when ever so it kinda beats sirroco and cyber dragon in that sense. The only draw back to this effect is it is sent to the grave after but since its a fire monster with 200 deffense it doesn't really matter due to accessability with rekindling. Its also really fun to kill your opponent late gate or gain a lot of field presence by killing something with fire dog and gaining a 2100 beater from your deck. I am only running one though as i don't think running three is all to helpful unless you are running a flamvell laval deck and need the power.
The last Effect I would like to talk about with him is the effect on when he is destroyed and sent to the grave, bring one of your banished fire monsters to your hand. thats pretty cool. This effect in its self makes me want to run flamvell counter which wasn't run due to the banishing effect that completely shut off a vital famvell monster from rekindling. Over I'm loving this card and if your playing a fire variant i would highly recomend this.
Monday, October 17, 2011
The golden apples
The golden apples is a very good card i just got and is playing with in my deck right now. Here is the cards profile
I like it alot due to it fun to play and it gets you a lv 1 with the potental to block attacks and to synchro with. its kinda like gorz as it needs no monsters but i like how you don't actualy lose life points as you gain them back. Its also very fun to play as no one expects it and it is a very nice looking card. This used to be a 30-35 card but due to a price reduction a long time ago it's not hard to get. So I would make it a very good underused card and worth the shiny print it has.
I like it alot due to it fun to play and it gets you a lv 1 with the potental to block attacks and to synchro with. its kinda like gorz as it needs no monsters but i like how you don't actualy lose life points as you gain them back. Its also very fun to play as no one expects it and it is a very nice looking card. This used to be a 30-35 card but due to a price reduction a long time ago it's not hard to get. So I would make it a very good underused card and worth the shiny print it has.
Neos is angry
So anyway the card i'm talking about is wrath of Neos and the link is above. What i love about this card is that it shows you don't piss Neos off. I mean you return him to the deck (could also use alius for this as his eff states that you can normal summon this card while it is on the field to make him count as neos) and blow up everything on the field. WOW. That means I can reset the game by blowing up everything and still save a neos or a alius. I don't know about you but I think thats a really good thing.
So anyway the card i'm talking about is wrath of Neos and the link is above. What i love about this card is that it shows you don't piss Neos off. I mean you return him to the deck (could also use alius for this as his eff states that you can normal summon this card while it is on the field to make him count as neos) and blow up everything on the field. WOW. That means I can reset the game by blowing up everything and still save a neos or a alius. I don't know about you but I think thats a really good thing.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Jurrac Meteor
This time i'm talking about a LV.10 synchro monster that needs a jurrac deck specificly but i think is pretty good. Meteor is a non-opitonal blackrose dragon that brings back a jurrac tuner which if you have a dino in the grave you have a 1700 beater and leave your opponent defensless. It is not something i have a lot to say about or think is broken but i think it is worth attention of a 1v ten thats decent. If you are making a jurrac deck this is one card you would want to look at in your extra deck.
This time i'm talking about a LV.10 synchro monster that needs a jurrac deck specificly but i think is pretty good. Meteor is a non-opitonal blackrose dragon that brings back a jurrac tuner which if you have a dino in the grave you have a 1700 beater and leave your opponent defensless. It is not something i have a lot to say about or think is broken but i think it is worth attention of a 1v ten thats decent. If you are making a jurrac deck this is one card you would want to look at in your extra deck.
Darklord Asmodeus
I resently dueled a darklord deck on dueling network with my jurrac-flamvells and realized this was a deck to be reckoned with. So i wanted to just go and tell you the one that was the best in my eyes and that was darklord asmodeus.
What i found so good about this card (you can see what it does in the link up there) is that even after it's killed it makes two freaking annoying monsters. Now when it says you can't special summon it from deck or grave t's okay because you will mostly be seeing it used in conjuction with vallhalla, which if you don't know what it does you havent seen fairies, witch makes a easy to get out 3000 beater. Now the two tokens it summons are asmo(1800 att/1300 def) that is immune to destruction besides battle and adeus token(1200 att/def) that can't be destroyed by battle. This means you have a stall token and a beater that can only be killed by another more powerful beater.
before this card was only able to be gotten by the shonen jump championship but now with legendary collection comming out this card and deck is very easy to get. I would encourage you to build it and see how the deck and this card run!
I resently dueled a darklord deck on dueling network with my jurrac-flamvells and realized this was a deck to be reckoned with. So i wanted to just go and tell you the one that was the best in my eyes and that was darklord asmodeus.
What i found so good about this card (you can see what it does in the link up there) is that even after it's killed it makes two freaking annoying monsters. Now when it says you can't special summon it from deck or grave t's okay because you will mostly be seeing it used in conjuction with vallhalla, which if you don't know what it does you havent seen fairies, witch makes a easy to get out 3000 beater. Now the two tokens it summons are asmo(1800 att/1300 def) that is immune to destruction besides battle and adeus token(1200 att/def) that can't be destroyed by battle. This means you have a stall token and a beater that can only be killed by another more powerful beater.
before this card was only able to be gotten by the shonen jump championship but now with legendary collection comming out this card and deck is very easy to get. I would encourage you to build it and see how the deck and this card run!
Friday, September 23, 2011
I know what you might think. this isn't a card its a freakish unused architype. well thats the truth and thats why i'm experimenting with jurracs right now. Jurracs are amazing in the sense that they search like crazy the have fossil dig and the jurrac dino is a plus one.the deck i am running is a solditary build that when i have one dino in the grave the disadvantaged 1700 attacker is 2500 beater that can gain from killing a monster. Also to cope with the 1700 draw back i have put two burdens of the mighty in this build as i won't always have a dino in the gave. They only have three synchros but i found that there amazing as it is. meteor is a blackrose with out a choice but it gets you a tuner from the grave and your main tuner is LV. 3 1700 attacker.
Jurrac Dino
attribute: fire type: dinosaur ATT: 1700 DEF: 800
Eff: once during each players end phase, if this card destroyed a monster by battle you can tribute one jurracmonster and draw 2 cards.
The last things i think make this deck is that it effectivly uses spiritual fire art-Kurenai this card is simple but deadly. basicly you can tribute a fire monster and your opponent takes damage equal to that monsters base attack. so you barely kill them and then activate this and their screwed.
Jurrac Dino
attribute: fire type: dinosaur ATT: 1700 DEF: 800
Eff: once during each players end phase, if this card destroyed a monster by battle you can tribute one jurracmonster and draw 2 cards.
The last things i think make this deck is that it effectivly uses spiritual fire art-Kurenai this card is simple but deadly. basicly you can tribute a fire monster and your opponent takes damage equal to that monsters base attack. so you barely kill them and then activate this and their screwed.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Hero Kid
Hero kid
Ok so know that the "hero" archtype is gaining hype I began to look at some of the overlooked cards that were released a long time ago. I found the card Hero Kid. This little pipsqueak of a card isn't all that bad.
Hero Kid
Warrior Earth attribute LV 2 att: 300 def: 600
EFF: When this card is special summoned, you can special summon any number of "Hero Kid"'s from your deck.
So, the first thing I thought about this card is gachi but thats not the best play I even thought about this card. I'm still looking at this and I'm find plays are pretty doable with this card. For the random warrior deck you can make a trish play by playing marading captian and special summoning one hero kid from your hand. When you do that you can special summon two more from your deck. Then you can return marading captain to your hand to special summon a birdman and get a trish. so effectivly makeing a venus play with out the life point cost. I don't know how you could use this card or even if you want to use the card but I do think its worth a look.
Ok so know that the "hero" archtype is gaining hype I began to look at some of the overlooked cards that were released a long time ago. I found the card Hero Kid. This little pipsqueak of a card isn't all that bad.
Hero Kid
Warrior Earth attribute LV 2 att: 300 def: 600
EFF: When this card is special summoned, you can special summon any number of "Hero Kid"'s from your deck.
So, the first thing I thought about this card is gachi but thats not the best play I even thought about this card. I'm still looking at this and I'm find plays are pretty doable with this card. For the random warrior deck you can make a trish play by playing marading captian and special summoning one hero kid from your hand. When you do that you can special summon two more from your deck. Then you can return marading captain to your hand to special summon a birdman and get a trish. so effectivly makeing a venus play with out the life point cost. I don't know how you could use this card or even if you want to use the card but I do think its worth a look.
Blackwing- gust the backblast
Blackwing- gust the backblast
Hey viewers! So i was just looking at my blackwing deck and i was thinking about how to make a quick and easy gachi and so I saw a lv two gust the backblast and decided to look at it. It is not that bad actualy and i really like how its testing. so anyway heres the card
Blackwing- gust the backblast
Winged beast dark attributed LV 2 att: 900 def: 1400
EFF: If you control no cards you can special summon this card from your hand. While this card is face-up on the field, if your opponents monster atts one of your blackwings your opponents monster loses 300 att in th damage step only
Ok, first of all its first eff makes it a cyber dragon and its second eff makes it a sort of 1700 att monster blocker but thats really not why i use it. Basicly if i have this card in my hand my fist turn and i have bora and others i can just special summon and go with all my plays with out even one normal summon. thats good but i'm guessing that you want to know how I get gachi with the thing. Well, lets say your controling the field with your armedwing and dark armed dragon. gust is in the grave from a att earlier. you summon a blizzard get gust and XYZ'd in to gachi effectivly making DAD at 3200 and armedwing at 2700. I don't know how you feel about this card but i really like how it plays so thanks for reading!
Hey viewers! So i was just looking at my blackwing deck and i was thinking about how to make a quick and easy gachi and so I saw a lv two gust the backblast and decided to look at it. It is not that bad actualy and i really like how its testing. so anyway heres the card
Blackwing- gust the backblast
Winged beast dark attributed LV 2 att: 900 def: 1400
EFF: If you control no cards you can special summon this card from your hand. While this card is face-up on the field, if your opponents monster atts one of your blackwings your opponents monster loses 300 att in th damage step only
Ok, first of all its first eff makes it a cyber dragon and its second eff makes it a sort of 1700 att monster blocker but thats really not why i use it. Basicly if i have this card in my hand my fist turn and i have bora and others i can just special summon and go with all my plays with out even one normal summon. thats good but i'm guessing that you want to know how I get gachi with the thing. Well, lets say your controling the field with your armedwing and dark armed dragon. gust is in the grave from a att earlier. you summon a blizzard get gust and XYZ'd in to gachi effectivly making DAD at 3200 and armedwing at 2700. I don't know how you feel about this card but i really like how it plays so thanks for reading!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Genex ally crusher
Genex ally crusher
Hey guys i'm coming to you with a new card that i really like. I find it really good and I don't know anyone who plays it. I thought about typing about it because i'm making a crusher/gravekeeper deck for the new grave oriented format. heres what it does
Genex ally crusher
LV 4 a dark machine monster ATT: 1000 DEF: 2000
EFF: once per turn, when a monster with the same attribute as this card is normal summoned to your side of the field, you can select one card on your opponents side of the field and destroy it.
Now i like using this card because with grave keepers you can flip a spy on your side and special summon a descendent or spy or what ever you want to get and destroy one card on your opponents side of the field. thats a plus one from you and a neg one for your opponent. I also like how back when i got the idea form youtube that tehere were not xyz monsters but now that should make this deck more powerful. get a descendent with spy blow up a card with crusher, tribute spy for descendant blow up another card and then xyz'd.
over all i really think this card is good and playable. not exactly broken but good.
Hey guys i'm coming to you with a new card that i really like. I find it really good and I don't know anyone who plays it. I thought about typing about it because i'm making a crusher/gravekeeper deck for the new grave oriented format. heres what it does
Genex ally crusher
LV 4 a dark machine monster ATT: 1000 DEF: 2000
EFF: once per turn, when a monster with the same attribute as this card is normal summoned to your side of the field, you can select one card on your opponents side of the field and destroy it.
Now i like using this card because with grave keepers you can flip a spy on your side and special summon a descendent or spy or what ever you want to get and destroy one card on your opponents side of the field. thats a plus one from you and a neg one for your opponent. I also like how back when i got the idea form youtube that tehere were not xyz monsters but now that should make this deck more powerful. get a descendent with spy blow up a card with crusher, tribute spy for descendant blow up another card and then xyz'd.
over all i really think this card is good and playable. not exactly broken but good.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
This card I am doing now is not so much underused its that I have heard conflicting opinions on it. Gachi Gachi Gantetsu is one of the XYZ'd monsters that came out in the starter deck and I find it very good actualy. This XYZ'd monster requires two LV 2 monsters. It has a base att of 500 and a 1800 def. The effect of the card is the best part of this card. the effect of this card basicly says that you can detach one material to stop this cards destruction. now this can stop anything from destroying it, monster effects spells and traps, even battle. the second part of this effect is where all face up monsters you control gain 200 att and def for each materials on this card. 200 att and def doesn't sound like much but if you get it out with the agent-venus and shine ball engine you can have venus at 2000 and a 2200 defender. My friend once lost to a field of three gachi gachi gantetsu because the monsters that came out with them got a 1200 att boost and their effect made it pretty much impossible to get over. I'm not a famous yugi-tuber or champion but that is pretty good field pressence. Maybe now you won't just look ant number 39: Utopia and give this guy a try. I also think hes a mutated viking on crack. just saying
4/5 stars
This card I am doing now is not so much underused its that I have heard conflicting opinions on it. Gachi Gachi Gantetsu is one of the XYZ'd monsters that came out in the starter deck and I find it very good actualy. This XYZ'd monster requires two LV 2 monsters. It has a base att of 500 and a 1800 def. The effect of the card is the best part of this card. the effect of this card basicly says that you can detach one material to stop this cards destruction. now this can stop anything from destroying it, monster effects spells and traps, even battle. the second part of this effect is where all face up monsters you control gain 200 att and def for each materials on this card. 200 att and def doesn't sound like much but if you get it out with the agent-venus and shine ball engine you can have venus at 2000 and a 2200 defender. My friend once lost to a field of three gachi gachi gantetsu because the monsters that came out with them got a 1200 att boost and their effect made it pretty much impossible to get over. I'm not a famous yugi-tuber or champion but that is pretty good field pressence. Maybe now you won't just look ant number 39: Utopia and give this guy a try. I also think hes a mutated viking on crack. just saying
4/5 stars
Dragunity Darkspear
Dragunity Darkspear
ok so the next card i'm talking about is Dragunity Darkspear. I personaly love this card and is incredibly usable in different decks(i see it most effive in blackwing). I tech 2 in my blackwing deck and it is incredably useful. I will list the card because most of the people who even got the structer deck completely missed and i realy like it so here it is.
Dragunity Darkspear
LV 3 ATT:1000 DEF:1000 wind attribute dragon type
you can tribute one dragon type "dragunity" monster to special summon 1 LV 4 or lower winged beast monster form your graveyard
Now according to his effect you tribute one dragon "dragunity" and he is one so just sacrifice himself and bring out a Shura or any tuners you might possibly need. I found this especialy helpful when i draw a bora and summon this guy. i just sac darkspear to summon shura. bora comes out anad you can just beat down with both the a plus one with shura and have alot of field pressence with a synchro you get and still have shura. over all I love this card and I would recomend it for any blackwing players.
4/5 stars
ok so the next card i'm talking about is Dragunity Darkspear. I personaly love this card and is incredibly usable in different decks(i see it most effive in blackwing). I tech 2 in my blackwing deck and it is incredably useful. I will list the card because most of the people who even got the structer deck completely missed and i realy like it so here it is.
Dragunity Darkspear
LV 3 ATT:1000 DEF:1000 wind attribute dragon type
you can tribute one dragon type "dragunity" monster to special summon 1 LV 4 or lower winged beast monster form your graveyard
Now according to his effect you tribute one dragon "dragunity" and he is one so just sacrifice himself and bring out a Shura or any tuners you might possibly need. I found this especialy helpful when i draw a bora and summon this guy. i just sac darkspear to summon shura. bora comes out anad you can just beat down with both the a plus one with shura and have alot of field pressence with a synchro you get and still have shura. over all I love this card and I would recomend it for any blackwing players.
4/5 stars
Thursday, August 25, 2011
trident warrior
Trident warrior
hey viewers i just got the dawn of the XYZ's starter deck and looking through it I found this card. If u don't know what i does i'll tell you as most of the people who got it wanted Number 39: Utopia so they probly over looked this card
Trident warrior
LV:4 ATT:1800 DEF:1200
is a light atributed warrior monster
Eff: When this card is normal summoned you can special summon one level three monster from your hand
now when i first saw this card i overlooked it too until i read it and thought about it. First of all it has 1800 att and that is pretty good. it can't take down a thunderking or anything but it can take down a lot of smaller monsters with big effects(example jurrac guaiba). However the most important thing i noticed is that when he is special summoned he can bring any LV 3 monsters in your hand. You may not realize it but their are a lot of LV 3 monsters that are key in many decks. if u have a LV 3 tuner in your hand thats not usable anymore and your opponents screwing you over just summon trident and get that and black rose the field to reset the field advantage. one LV trick i found while looking in the starter deck is You can summon this and special summon shining knight in def(making it LV 4) then XYZ for utopia. You can also get feedback warrior out with this eff and use feedbacks effect(when special summoned or normal summoned make a face up monster you control and make its LV 3) and get leviar the sea dragon or any other rank three.
Over all i think this is a good card that is overlooked but i don't think its broken or anything. you could probly splash it in a light deck or something and see how it works but i do think its worth something
3/5 stars
hey viewers i just got the dawn of the XYZ's starter deck and looking through it I found this card. If u don't know what i does i'll tell you as most of the people who got it wanted Number 39: Utopia so they probly over looked this card
Trident warrior
LV:4 ATT:1800 DEF:1200
is a light atributed warrior monster
Eff: When this card is normal summoned you can special summon one level three monster from your hand
now when i first saw this card i overlooked it too until i read it and thought about it. First of all it has 1800 att and that is pretty good. it can't take down a thunderking or anything but it can take down a lot of smaller monsters with big effects(example jurrac guaiba). However the most important thing i noticed is that when he is special summoned he can bring any LV 3 monsters in your hand. You may not realize it but their are a lot of LV 3 monsters that are key in many decks. if u have a LV 3 tuner in your hand thats not usable anymore and your opponents screwing you over just summon trident and get that and black rose the field to reset the field advantage. one LV trick i found while looking in the starter deck is You can summon this and special summon shining knight in def(making it LV 4) then XYZ for utopia. You can also get feedback warrior out with this eff and use feedbacks effect(when special summoned or normal summoned make a face up monster you control and make its LV 3) and get leviar the sea dragon or any other rank three.
Over all i think this is a good card that is overlooked but i don't think its broken or anything. you could probly splash it in a light deck or something and see how it works but i do think its worth something
3/5 stars
hi viewers
hi viewers, I am making this blog to post my yugioh card opinions on under used cards and things i think are over looked and how they could be used. these are just some ideas i get(i mostly only get ideas so i have alot most of the time) and i hope u like
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