Dark worlds! they made top 32! I am so exited! the only thing i don't like is the card choices they made(well some of them.) I like how they got in the top and one made it to top 16 but other than that i was depressed about who won, a chaos. a deck full of good cards and sorcerer and soldier (not impressed). But that was off topic so any way I am kinda sad and happy dark worlds made it and heres why...
I am sad they made it because well this means the people who gave up on it are nw going to be like going back and a lot of mirror matches are in store. It is a pain as a dark world player to be playing people getting their three structure decks back together thinking they'll win everything and troll when you have to deal with cards that have your boss decks face a lot of herp derp decks that are just thrown together. Then they get ethar a big head or get pissed and give up and talk junk about the deck. thats just the way the players work.
I am happy now because they are getting more recognized now. before after the giant hype people said they were great but then after the first YCS people said they were like dragunities(which are still good) and they weren'tas good as they say. Now people ae changing their minds
again. I really hope they don't make teir one because then grapha's going to get his and NOONE wants that.