but the main point of this post is to explain where i've been and what the archetype I've so intreged by.
So to start off chronomaly's are an archetype known in the anime as OOParts(or "out of place objects") and they ar focused on exceeds as most new archetypes are not. The two they have are number 33: Machu Mech (Click the hyperlink if want to see the cards.) and number 6: atlandis. Now as these are just the name sake ones you can easily make any rank fives like tiras and adreus. You do this by abusing the chronomaly monster known as golden jet, maoi, and crystal skull, and to some point crystal bones.
You do this by summoning jet use effect to make him level 5 and then special maoi(or search it with skull and then special) and exceed. You can make tiras or if you have mini guts and a realible way to make sure you have no back row troubles you can possible otk. Read mach mech and then read miniguts and in the right senario you can do a ton of damage. now granted that's not all ways the thing you want to do so a tiras should suffice. and yeah that's my brief discussion on the chronomalys i'm messing with and hope you look into them!
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