So i have subscribed to a yugi tuber who just posted a video about this FTK using all three of the legal gods cards and horkathinty. so when i first heard of these 4 cards i said they could never be used i mean with all three needing three tributes(some exept obelisk have not not worthy effects for the neg three) and then you tribute all three so i found to me its a neg 12 to get out a winning condition. i knew you could special them but only for a turn so it would be temporary. but this yugituber said theirs a ftk based on sending all three gods to the grave and grab horkahinty to hand and activate soul exchange to banish the gods and two other cards. set return from the different dimension, wait a turn he didn't say it but i'm pretty sure you run a alot of protection to save your win contition like starlight and mystical but mostly discard and draw. so look it up i guess and i'll put the link in the post as well so enjoy the knowlege of this rediculous and situational deck.
also: i do not own this video and please subscribe to him. just getting this out
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