Hey Viewers! so i'm at my last week of vacation visiting my other family up north but i'd thought i telll you about the changes gishkis need to make for this format before i brought you my updated post september ban list deck build.
So the first thing is since gustkraken is put down to 1 we can't rely on it first turn to hand looop but however we can still use it. if you are going first gust kraken is still an excelent card to use as it won't hand loop but be somewhat control i've and give you insite on his plays. it you can seee a card in a particular arctype being used well gustkraken can not only get rid of the card if its important to their plays and you can see anther card in their hand and hopefully anticipate their plays.
With the changes i can see defensive builds being made to make up for the lake of advantages the deck could usually pull off. the solemn bergade, mirror force(now to two), and i also find torrrential suprisingly useful to the fact you can call of the haunted it back and search again.
We also have to worry about back stopping our rituals from getting stopped or banished because now we need to play a bit more conservatively and really be carfull. a couple msts, heavy storm, will hopefully be enough to fix this issue though as we have sooooo much bck row destruction legal its not even funny.
the last thing i think we neeed to worry/watch out for is giant monsters that soul ogre can't get over. his effect comes in ahndy certanly more successsful that compulse but unless you have a mirror in graveyard and you pitch a ritual its really just killing hand advantage. don't get me wrong i love soul ogre i just thing he is better as an average beater.
sp those are just my insights about gishkis this format and i'm going to talk about gem-knights next as well so yah!
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