So the whole point of the deck is just to spam fusions with only one spell cards and abuse their effects. The first one i should talk about is gem-knight citrine. At first it may seem like a mediocre fusion when you could summon a zerconia or prismoria but the effect this guy has is actually really good. It makes sure an attack is going through if the summon is alright. it allows you to clear his field and summon three of these with volcanic shells and just gem-night fodder you have and just pretty much kill as the threat of gorz, battle fader, and swift scare crow are just eliminated as they can't activate them. this also includes all the annoying traps like mirror force, d-prison, and anything else of the sort. This will drag out the warnings and torrentials and save your big hitters later.
Prismaura however is a different story. It is a removal card with a pretty decent beater. anything bigger than it on the field you can just grab fusion from your grave and use it to blow it up. but this usually is played at 2 or three depending on if you want to run and focus on early citrine or early prismaura, but that involves triple thunder dragon and not shell. some build clog but my borther and i have found them to be dead in the hand at both.
Ruby Is the other big beater/pierce. with his effect he can easily pump himself up and get over just about anything. all you have to do is sack a gem-knight and for the turn he gains the attack. that's pretty good in my opinion. It beats over anything that zerconia can't and is just a good late game card.
The final fusion that really stands out to me is Zerconia. This is just a generic 2900 beater but what makes it good is that it makes the gem-armadillo so good. being gem-armadillo is a rock it becomes fodder for this and with a fusion you can grab obsidian and fuse immediately netting you a 2900 beater and a free vanilla if one is in the grave.
so yeah that's just my personal faves of the fusions this archetype has to offer. i will post next Saturday on the effect monsters and than the post on the fusion cards. hope you enjoyed!
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