
Monday, August 27, 2012

updated gishki

so i'd thought i do a another gishki update this is the updated build so here i go:

1 evigishki gustkraken
2  evigishki soul ogre
2 evigishki mind august
3 gishki shadow
3 gishki vision
2 deep sea diva
1 gishki beast
1 gishki vanity
1 gishki chain
3 gishki abyss
1 manju of the tenthousand hands
1 snowman eater
1 gorz
1 effect veiler

3 gishki aquamirror
2 salvage
1 mystical space typhoon
1 heavy storm
1 smashing ground
1 dark hole
1 book of moon
1 monster reborn

1 call of the haunted
1 fiendish chain
2 torrential tribute
1 bottomless trap hole
1 mirror force

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

updated gishki (sept. 2012 format)

Hey so i've been working on my gishki deck while i've been on vacation and i think it is still a vary viable deck. if hieratics are still pretty cheap and stuff i might look into the rank 6's that just came out and i might get them and just experiment but right now i'm just playing around with a mainly pure a build and to fill in some of the left over proxy's in the build in real life. but anyway i'm going to show you the build now and tell you some thingsi'm still working out in it and some of the strengths.

1 evigishki gustkraken
2 evigishki soul ogre
2 evigishki mind augus
3 gishki vision
3 gishki shadow
2 deep sea diva
1 snowman eater
2 gishki beast
1 gishki vanity
1 gishki chain
3 gishki abyss
1 manju of the ten thousand hands
1 gorz
1 effect veiled

3 gishki aquamirror                    
2 salvage
2 mystical space typhoon
1 heavy storm
1 dark hole
1 monster reborn

1 call of the haunted
1 fiendish chain
2 torrential tribute
1 bottomless
1 mirror force

The strengths of this pure build is it has a lot of recycling of the rituals and soul ogre is much more live. the deck still has so much search power but i need a card in the main to just stop thunder king because i'm not stupid. so maybe a maind photon thrasher would work. so yah this is the updated build andi hope you enjoyed!

Monday, August 20, 2012

gishki discussion

Hey Viewers! so i'm at my last week of vacation visiting my other family up north but i'd thought i telll you about the changes gishkis need to make for this format before i brought you my updated post september ban list deck build.

So the first thing is since gustkraken is put down to 1 we can't rely on it first turn to hand looop but however we can still use it. if you are going first gust kraken is still an excelent card to use as it won't hand loop but be somewhat control i've and give you insite on his plays. it you can seee a card in a particular arctype being used well gustkraken can not only get rid of the card if its important to their plays and you can see anther card in their hand and hopefully anticipate their plays.

With the changes i can see defensive builds being made to make up for the lake of advantages the deck could usually pull off. the solemn bergade, mirror force(now to two), and i also find torrrential suprisingly useful to the fact you can call of the haunted it back and search again.

We also have to worry about back stopping our rituals from getting stopped or banished because now we need to play a bit more conservatively and really be carfull. a couple msts, heavy storm, will hopefully be enough to fix this issue though as we have sooooo much bck row destruction legal its not even funny.

the last thing i think we neeed to worry/watch out for is giant monsters that soul ogre can't get over. his effect comes in ahndy certanly more successsful that compulse but unless you have a mirror in graveyard and you pitch a ritual its really just killing hand advantage. don't get me wrong i love soul ogre i just thing he is better as an average beater.

sp those are just my insights about gishkis this format and i'm going to talk about gem-knights next as well so yah!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

I like fishing.

So by the title you probably have no idea what i'm posting about but i have a friend who wanted all of his hidden arsenal 6 stuff and it means a lot of the gishki stuff and a past gishki deck he hated playing so i pretty much got a lot of good gishki stuff so i'd though i'd show you my first build on this deck and hope you enjoy!

3 evigishki gustkracken
2 evigishiki mind augus
1 evigishki soul ogre
3 gishki vision
3 gishki shadow
1 gishki marker
1 gishki beast
1 gishki chain
3 gishki abyss
2 deep sea diva
1 snowman eater
1 manju of the ten thousand hand
1 gorz
1 effect veiler

3 gishki aqua mirror
1 moray of greed
1 preparation of rites
1 mystical space typhoon
1 heavy storm
1 dark hole
1 monster reborn

1 call of the haunted
1 aquamirror cycle
1 fiendish chain
2 torrential tribute
1 mirror force
1 solemn judgment

first of all I'm going to hand loop your entire hand with this build. i just want to shuffle maybe 1-2 so not entire hand. i just like the gustkraken because it is my fave out of the ritual cards so i'm not going to make hieratic gishkis or anything like that but i do like the ritual. so the point of the deck is just to get out big rituals and stuff and maintain advantage which i like to have in a deck. aqua mirror is a pain as i have to reuse it by sending it to the grave but i mean thats so its not as reuseable as gem-fusion which doesn't have short cuts to the cost like vision and shadow. the last thing i should explain is that i use a glactic over lord card in the deck called aquamirror cycle. i really like the card as you just go off with one gustkraken and set this and your opponent try dark hole or something you can chain and bring back your vision and shadow.

Friday, August 10, 2012

crazy godly FTK i just learned of

So i have subscribed to a yugi tuber who just posted a video about this FTK using all three of the legal gods cards and horkathinty. so when i first heard of these 4 cards i said they could never be used i mean with all three needing three tributes(some exept obelisk have not not worthy effects for the neg three) and then you tribute all three so i found to me its a neg 12 to get out a winning condition. i knew you could special them but only for a turn so it would be temporary. but this yugituber said theirs a ftk based on sending all three gods to the grave and grab horkahinty to hand and activate soul exchange to banish the gods and two other cards. set return from the different dimension, wait a turn he didn't say it but i'm pretty sure you run a alot of protection to save your win contition like starlight  and mystical but mostly discard and draw. so look it up i guess and i'll put the link in the post as well so enjoy the knowlege of this rediculous and situational deck.

also: i do not own this video and please subscribe to him. just getting this out

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

updated steelswarm deck

so today i though i'd show you my updated build on steelswarms and i'm giving up on it for i love it too much. i think i corrected the issues the most. so here it is

3 steelswarm girastag
3 steelswarm moth
2 steelswarm caller
1 steelswarm cell
2 steelswarm scout
2 steelswarm sting
1 gate keeper
1 sygian street patrol
1 spirit reaper
1 dark armed dragon
1 gorz, emissary of darkness
1 lyla, lightsworn sorceress
2 effect veiler

2 first step towards infestation
1 recurring nightmare
2 creature swap
1 one for one
1 allure of darkness
2 mystical space typhoon
1 heavy storm
1 dark hole
1 monster reborn
1 foolish burial

3 reckless greed
2 threatening roar
1 torrential tribute

so i'm going to start with the monster explanations: is i cut caucastag and a cell because they just clog so much so i cut them and put in a lyla for a more live mystical and some deck thinning. and putting some creature swap.

on to spells this is where the most change happened. i put in two creature swaps for the fact you can just speicl summon scout with its effect and use the spells to just take their stuff and give them a seriously useless card. i cut mystical to two for i have a lyla in the build now.

and for the final change i have taken out the compulse for the torrential because of the fact i can just summon scout and nuke the filed and it just stops opponents for exploding while compulsory just kinda set them back.

so yah thats the updated build and i hope you enjoyed!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

locals testing

so i went to locals with my steelswarms to playtest against meta decks in tourney. now keep in mind i'm still working on the deck so i wasn't expecting topping or anything and ultimately i went 1-3 so pretty disappointing tourney wise but i go what i needed done. here are my macht ups

round one: lavals

game 1: he just got everything and my hand was big just weirdly he kept bouncing my steelswarm scout to hand so sad face.
game 2: this is were veiler started to shit on me tonight. just need one tribute steels swarm to go off really but every single time it was a veiler. so he then exploded on me and one.

round 2: rescue rabbit:

game 1: veilers every time i had a tribute, then he got laggia and a dolkka on me.
game 2: gotta work on my side as it was awkward with the prohibitions in and my scout being dead because of it. and he opened tripple veiler. WTF man?

round 3: evols

game 1: veilers screwed me over again. and its not that its ovious but the numbers they draw at are ridiculous.2-3 most of the time.
game 2: couldn't draw mystical spaces and then he flipped shadow imprisoning. gg

round 4: Gishkis

game 1: was expecting a scrubb since i sscrubbed out but he was very good. i guess he had a bad hand or something and i won after i got a girastag and a sting out and vielering his abyss
game 2: yah he just got a ton of advantage on me on his first turn with mind august so i couldn't come back. found out how broken exa-beetle was after he got rid of my gorz with it though.
game 3: It was a good game but i came down to a placed compulse to bounce the xyz'd he made with two mind augusts and next turn i got too big a monster out.

so yah this was a decent tourney for me as it helped me know my weak points and stuff, i know book of moon and compulse are coming out as they came in handy just once though their not worht the space. reckless greed was amazing though and every one around me was playing it as another laval guy was playing it and stuff.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

steelswarm deck list

Ok so my last post yesterday was about the intro/ wikia pages on the steelswarms and i am bored today so i'd thought i'd give you my deck lists and stuff with explanations on my specific techs. enjoy!

3  steelswarm girastag
3 steelswarm moth
1 steelswarm caucastag
2 steelswarm caller
2 steelswarm cell
2 steelswarm scout
1 steelswarm sting
1 steelswarm gatekeeper
1 spirit reaper
1 stygian street patrol
1 dark armed dragon
1 gorz, emisary of darkness
2 effect veiler

2 First sets towards infestation
1 recurring nightmare
1 one for one
1 allure of darkness
2 mystical space typhoon
1 heavy storm
1 dark hole
1 book of moon
1 monster reborn
1 foolish burial

1 infestation tool
3 reckless greed
2 threatning roar
1 compulsory

so i guess i'll explain some of my choices on the monster line up. The first thing i should explain is the fact i am only running 2 of three of the most played in 3 steelswarm monsters in most decks(caller, scout, cell). Granted that scout is iffy depending on the type of steelswarm deck but cell and caller i mostly see in playsets. the reason i opted to play only 2 is the fact that both caller and cell clogged alot and you reallly need tribute monsters to truely use them so if you don't have any you then have a useless cyber dragon with 0/0 or a mediocre 1700/0 beater that unless you have a set up stygian street patrol it takes two turns to abuse it.  Another card choice i think i should talk about is my use of spirit reaper. this i opted to play is that one of my worst match ups id rabbit as if i don't have beater out allready and they have a laggia out i'm screwed. i usualy abuse scout so after a tribute i can't exactly go off any more and they have a 2400 beater. it's not a great possition to be in ast then they get another laggia or dollkka and set stuff and i can't win. so reaper just helps in that and stalls.

On to spells, you usually see people play three first steps towards infestation but i found if you have no tribute targets its usaly dead so i play a compulsory evacuation device over it so i can just have an answer and not have a cloggy spell and can do the same thing.

Finaly the traps, This is were i explain what i think the most strange things choice of a card is the tripple reckless greed i am running. this is weird as i was having a trouble with hand advantage after tributing and speed and a solid flow of resources so i decided to try this as it looked fun. now granted you have to play smart with this as well i can be a hinderence but some how in this deck i found this so in synch with  this card and it really puts in work with threatening roar on side and all of your traps being chainable so its just very easy to activate these things before scout is even activate. so hope you enjoyed this has just been working on this for along time so if this helped let me known.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

the infestation begins: raise Steelswarms

Guess what? I'm not dead. I've just been taking a break from the game and now i'm back in and fiddling around with somethings. this includes what i'm posting about now  which is Steelswarm. so i'll get on with it and i hope you enjoy!

So  to start, this archtype is one of the newer ones that have come out out of the new duelterminal story line(gusto, steelswarms, gem-knights, lavals, etc...) and its very monarchy. its boss monsters like girastag (, moth (,  and caucastag( all required to be tributed by tributing steelswarm monsters to get off their effects. but these are just the beginning  of all the tribute monsters this archetype has. now what i mean by its very monarchish is that the whole archetype its basicly the monarchs and frog enguine in one. you have your own treeborn frog in the form of a steelswarm scout ( except for the fact that it has alot of draw backs but it still works. it also has its own doulbe couston like card in steelswarm   genome( where you can have a lot of builds where you can focus on two tributes or the one tributes with scout so this is a very diverse archetype with different types of player preference.

unfortunately for the steelswarms its hard to deal with the ever broken lavals and the other architypes out there because like the monarchs their play style they are very slow. so a card you can possibly side deck for this is grave of the super ancient organism but other thabn that you do have bad match up agains the fast decks of the meta.

so this was the basics of the arhetype i've been mesing around with  and i'll leave the wikia page for the arhetype in the bottom and soon i'll bring you the deck liost of my current build which is rather unique for the rest